A group of Muslim ‘youths’ beat up a young gay German politician – he was taken to hospital with serious injuries

The CDU youth organisation is in shock!
The treasurer of the Junge Union Lüneburg, Simon Schmidt (24), was assaulted.

According to a police spokesman, the hunting instructor was beaten up in the playground of a comprehensive school in Lüneburg-Kaltenmoor on Monday evening. ‘A group of youths are said to have attacked the 24-year-old. The man was injured in the face during the physical altercation. He was taken to hospital in an ambulance,’ according to a report by the Lower Saxony police.

Reporters from tabloid BILD contacted the young politician after he was allowed to leave the university hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf on Tuesday evening. He was treated there for a facial injury. He is due to have an operation on his cheekbone before Christmas.
Schmidt explains: ‘It was an anti-gay attack. I had arranged to meet a man on a dating app. The meeting place was an ambush.’ When he arrived at the meeting point, Schmidt says, ‘a horde of seven or eight migrants from Syria or Afghanistan came out from behind bushes and attacked me with fists and kicks’. Schmidt was insulted because of his homosexuality. ‘When I was lying on the ground, one of the attackers pulled out a black penknife. Another shouted: ‘We’ll stab you! A pedestrian came to my aid. The gang ran away.’

There is great concern among party members of the Junge Union. The district association informed the press today: ‘Our esteemed board member was severely beaten up and attacked with a knife by a group of young men with a migration background in a heinous attack.’ The district executive condemns ‘this outrageous act’ in the strongest possible terms.
‘Our thoughts are with our loyal friend who is suffering terrible pain due to unnecessary excesses of violence in our city,’ said district chairman Leander Zeletzki.

The young politicians lament the ‘lack of willingness to integrate on the part of certain people with a migration background, who do not shy away from brutal violence against German citizens’. They will campaign for the police to be strengthened.

Opfer spricht von „schwulenfeindlichem Anschlag“ : CDU-Jungpolitiker von Gruppe Jugendlicher verprügelt | Politik | BILD.de

One thought on “A group of Muslim ‘youths’ beat up a young gay German politician – he was taken to hospital with serious injuries”

  1. If this had been an attack on a gay person by Christians or other non-Muslims, there would have been headlines, a wailing and gnashing of teeth from liberals demanding swift punishment for the wrongdoers, and nonstop press for days. But because it was Muslims, no one cares. All the leftist brain-dead allies of Islamists have no clue what their real feelings on gays are-but as soon as the Islamic fundamentalists decide they are of no further use, they’ll get a real education-possibly a fatal one at that.

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