Associations close to the Muslim Brotherhood have received more than 22 million euros in subsidies from the European Union

Under the guise of anti-racism, several associations close to the Muslim Brotherhood have received subsidies, some of which are staggering. This allows them to impose their ideology and indoctrinate the youth through incessant propaganda. An example of this is the Council of Europe’s campaign to promote the hijab.

The campaign to promote the hijab was born out of the joint desire of the European Union and the Council of Europe to “raise awareness of the need to respect diversity and inclusion”. To this end, the EU institutions have allocated 340,000 euros. However, this does not mean that the EU was aware of the final project. When asked, the European Commission says that it did not approve the campaign – a role reserved for the Council of Europe, which is considered the interlocutor for human rights issues. The problem is that the Council’s Department for Inclusion appointed associations from the Muslim Brotherhood as “speakers”.

Indeed, the campaign to promote the hijab was conceived in conjunction with the European Forum of Muslim Women (EFOMW).

EFOMW regularly attacks France and its secularism, accusing it of being “Islamophobic”. Immediately after the assassination of Samuel Paty, one of its activists, Linda Hyökki, declared on the pro-Edogan Turkish TV channel TRT: “To caricature political leaders or religious figures […] including Mohammed is […] to attack the identity of Muslims”. Far from alleviating the growing hatred in Europe, this organisation contributes to it. And that is logical, because it is one of the female branches of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FOIE), which was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood to influence the European authorities.

The other forum heavily involved in the hijab campaign is FEMYSO (Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations). A similar name, and for good reason, because it comes from the same circles. It was founded in 1996 and is the youth branch of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, founded also by the Muslim Brotherhood with the intention of influencing the European authorities.

FEMYSO also gets money from the Council of Europe! 13,000 euros in 2014 and 16,500 euros in 2021 from the European Youth Fund.

In the report on “Islamophobia”, in which it gives special thanks to Tariq Ramadan, FEMYSO reveals its preferred partners to “embody Muslim civil society: CCIF, ENAR and COJEP”.

In a few words, CCIF, Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France, is the Islamist association that organised fundraising dinners together with Tariq Ramadan to blacklist anyone who opposed Islamism as “Islamophobic” (i.e. suspicious), until Samuel Paty was beheaded and the Ministry of the Interior decided to dissolve CCIF. Since then, the collective has fled to Belgium, to the CCIB, its Belgian counterpart, whose headquarters are, of course, at the same address as the FEMYSO! But it gets even better. Franc-Tireur found out that the European Commission funded the CCIF: 810,000 euros in subsidies between 2012 and 2017. For its part, the CCIB, which is the successor organisation, has just received 210,000 euros! A business that is a booming one. Why should anyone be bothered about that.

ENAR, an EU-funded mega-structure, brings together everything that Islam-antiracism and the Muslim Brotherhood sphere have to offer: FEMYSO, EFOMW and CCIB. This gives them access to European institutions, as ENAR is accredited. In 2020, the organisation managed to gain around 15 appointments with the European Commission. Last to lament the dissolution of BarakaCity or the Collectif Contre l’Islamophobie en France (CCIF)! Incidentally, it was ENAR – i.e. with European funding – that led most of the campaign against France after the measures to combat fundamentalism. Until 2015, this network was for a long time close to the Coordination contre le racisme et l’islamophobie (CRI), which was accused by the Ministry of the Interior of justifying acts of terrorism.

According to the Commission’s website, ENAR has received an average of one million euros per year since 2007 … a total of 22 million!  L’article complet sur Franc-Tireur

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