Football star wants giant mosques all over Sweden

26-year-old Taha Ali is a midfielder at Malmö FF football club and also plays for the men’s national team.

However, football is not his most important commitment. He is more interested in contributing to the Islamisation of Sweden by building more huge mosques in order to become a ‘better Muslim’.

The football star is one of those responsible for raising funds for the ‘largest mosque in Scandinavia’ in Helsingborg.
In January this year, Taha Ali, who has a Somali migration background, made his debut in the Swedish men’s national football team’s match against Estonia. Ali scored a goal in that game and at club level he plays for top team Malmö FF, while foreign clubs are interested in him.

Ali would like to win the Swedish championship with Malmö FF, but that is not his main goal in life. Rather, he wants there to be more mosques in Sweden in his lifetime, and he has already launched two fundraising campaigns for huge mosques this spring.

One is for a 1,900 square metre mosque in the Väla Södra district on the outskirts of Helsingborg. The other is for a 2,203 square metre mosque in the Järva district in the north of Stockholm near Tensta, where Taha Ali grew up.

🔹He wants to Islamise Sweden with the ‘largest mosque in Scandinavia’!

The project will lead to the ‘largest mosque in Scandinavia’. Photo: Mosque in Helsingborg

The website of the campaign for the mosque in Helsingborg, ‘Moskéhjälpen’, describes the building as ‘Scandinavia’s largest mosque project’. It also points out that the mosque will soon be completed and that the entire mosque site covers an area of 10,000 square metres.

The fundraising is well organised and has attracted several Muslim influencers who have contributed to the campaigns on social media. So far, 59.2 million Swedish kronor has been raised out of the 68 million needed to make the construction of the mosque in Helsingborg possible.

🔹‘ As I am extremely privileged, I want to give something back’.

In an interview, Taha Ali explained that he took part in fundraising campaigns for huge mosques because he ‘strives to be a better Muslim’ and ‘wants to give something back’.

I want to give something back. I feel like I’m extremely privileged by everything I’ve been given in life. I know that if I give a lot of what I have, I will get something back later,’ Taha Ali told Sydsvenskan.

🔹 ‘The media spreads negative ideas about Islam’.

Taha Ali explains that he has become more religious in the last five to ten years after acquiring more knowledge about Islam. At the same time, he believes that there are many negative perceptions about Islam and mosques in Sweden.

In his opinion, ‘the negative aspects’ of Islam get a lot of attention in Sweden because ‘they make an impact in the media’. What doesn’t get so much attention, on the other hand, are all the positive things that come as a result of the mosques.

For example, there is youth football, homework help, extracurricular centres and other activities for children and young people,’ Mr Ali tells Sydsvenskan.

Une star du football veut des mosquées géantes dans toute la Suède – Résistance Républicaine / Samnytt

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