Infidel Children Celebrate Ramadan in Europe

In colonized Europe, Ramadan isn’t just for Muslims. The new population generously shares its culture with the natives, even as it displaces them, not only in Italy, but in Germany as well.

Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

A letter from the Zuckmayer School in the Neukölln district of Berlin has caused displeasure among parents. Not only were the seventh-graders invited to take part in the Islamic fast-breaking (iftar), but attendance was also compulsory.

In Austria, woke educrats are not required to Islamize native kids:

More and more young children – some as young as primary school age – are abstaining from eating and drinking during lessons. … Vienna primary school unionist Thomas Krebs warned of the consequences: ‘Without sufficient hydration, physical education is hardly possible. In addition, many children suffer from poor concentration, hypoglycaemia and exhaustion – some literally fall over.’

Krebs says pupils pressure their peers to fast. Potentially outnumbered infidels could be in for a beating on the playground if they don’t go along.

Back to Italy, in Salorno, South Tyrol:

At the so-called ‘Iftar of Friendship’, schoolchildren were brought in to deal with the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. ‘So while Muslim traditions are being promoted and integrated into the everyday lives of schoolchildren, we have been experiencing a worrying development in South Tyrol for years: out of a misguided sense of tolerance, traditional Christian festivals and celebrations – such as the St. Martin parade, St. Nicholas celebrations and Christmas parties – are increasingly being cancelled or watered down in kindergartens and schools,’ criticised Roland Stauder, Chairman of the Freedom Party, in a press release.

If Europeans can’t defend their own culture now, it will be extirpated quickly when inpouring and rapidly reproducing Muslims achieve a majority, just as cultures like Egypt’s were lost throughout the Midde East as Islam expanded.

Moonbattery Infidel Children Celebrate Ramadan in Europe – Moonbattery

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