No, Conservatives Did Not Win the German Elections


American media—very much including conservative outlets—are reporting that Germany’s “conservative” party won the recent parliamentary elections.

Not quite. The winning party, with 28.5 percent of the vote, is the CDU—which stands for Christian Democratic Union—and is called the “conservative” option in Germany. But there is no longer anything Christian, nor conservative, about the CDU.

There is nothing conservative about free speech restrictions, which current CDU leader Friedrich Merz supports, rebuking U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance’s criticism of them.

Nor is there anything conservative about a party that allows the destruction and inhumanity of an invasion. It was a CDU chancellor, Angela Merkel, who in September 2015 opened the country’s borders, allowing in a million third world migrants, mostly young Muslim men, in less than four months.

Millions more have flooded the country since then, and the result has been an unmitigated catastrophe of daily rapes, assaults, and knife attacks, as well as Islamic terror attacks in ever shorter intervals. Jews are once again attacked on German streets—this time, not by Germans. No-go zones are firmly entrenched. All this in a country that was one of the safest countries in the world. All this with virtually zero opposition from CDU politicians, who looked the other way.

Yet even President Donald Trump, no fan of open borders or German-style censorship, praised the election results in Germany as a win for conservatives.

The truth is that the only party that wants to secure Germany’s borders and deport millions of migrants, as well as protect free speech, is the Alternative for Germany (AfD). American conservatives should recognize this domestic political reality about such a vital U.S. ally.

The German government, the mainstream media, and the vast majority of Germans demonize the AfD and its supporters as “Nazis”—a mindless and dastardly smear that makes as little sense in Germany as it does when employed against Trump supporters in the United States.

While it is millions of migrants, not AfD members, who make evermore cities and towns unsafe for Germans, those same Germans gather by the hundreds of thousands to protest “the Right.” From “Grannies Against the Right” to Antifa to average citizens, countless Germans have drunk the government and media Kool-Aid, swallowing the suicidal lie that the masses of migrants with explicit anti-Western values are an “enrichment” to German society; and the slander that the AfD hates immigrants and gay people (no matter that the head of the party, Alice Weidel, is in a civil partnership with a woman from Sri Lanka).

The AfD garnered just under 21 percent of the vote—with its strongest support in the former East Germany, which, according to mainstream propaganda, is a hotbed of racism and hatred. The “good” western Germans love few things more than denigrating those wretched easterners.

Merz, meanwhile, is on board with every other party in Germany in declaring a “firewall” against any kind of collaboration with the AfD.

Since the CDU won only a plurality, not a majority, however, it will need to enter into a coalition with other parties to form the next government. Merz has long talked tough on taking action against criminal migrants and Islamic terror. Were he serious, the AfD would be an obvious fit as a coalition partner—including on rolling back Germany’s de-industrialization programs rammed through by the climate-obsessed Greens in a coalition with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD.

The AfD, a party of common sense—few Germans would have had a problem with the party platform just 20 years ago—opposes socialism, government overreach, the Green Party’s “eco-dictatorship,” and the ongoing crackdown on free speech. If there is a conservative party in Germany, it is the AfD.

While on some issues, such as stopping Germany’s de-industrialization, the CDU is likely to be an improvement over socialist Scholz and today’s SPD, there is little daylight among the CDU, the SPD, the Greens, the Left party (communists), the free-market FDP (which did not receive enough votes to be part of the next parliament), and any other party on looking the other way on the single biggest threat to Germany’s continued existence—the flat-out untenable and growing security disaster throughout the entire country due to a refusal to secure the border, carry out mass deportations, and end the lavish government benefits for migrants.

After every terror attack, Chancellor Scholz claims that now, finally, there will be “consequences.” There never are, and no one should expect real consequences under Merz.

The CDU has declared no “firewall” against the Left party or the radical leftwing Greens or the socialist SPD. The only firewall exists against the AfD. Can a party not ruling out a coalition with radical leftists and communists—while condemning the only pro-industry, pro-capitalism, pro-free speech, and pro-German coalition option—really be conservative?

Alas, even American conservative media unthinkingly and without evidence parrot the fiction that the AfD is “far right.” Having witnessed the endless gaslighting and twisting of facts during the Biden years, American conservatives need to turn on their BS detectors and discern propaganda from reality.

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