Osama bin Laden is no longer with us, but the image of this fiend with his finger in the air to indicate there is no god other than the demon he worships still provides inspiration to the Islamic colonists who have been imported to destroy Germany. At last word, drivers could see it looming over the A8 Munich-Rosenheim motorway just outside Munich:
Über den Osama bin Laden-Skandal an der A 8 wurde die Polizeistation in München-Giesing am 10.1. telefonisch informiert. Das Bayerische Innenministerium und Minister Herrmann am 17.1. per E-Mail. Wann wird der frühere Al-Qaida-Terrorchef endlich von der Autobahn verschwinden? pic.twitter.com/f87b8K92PT
— MichaelStürzenberger (@MichaelStuerzi) January 20, 2025
The police station in Munich-Giesing was informed by telephone about the Osama bin Laden scandal on the A8 on January 10. The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior and Minister Herrmann on 17 January by e-mail. When will the former al-Qaeda terror chief finally disappear from the highway?
Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:
[The sign] shows Osama bin Laden, the former head of the Islamist terrorist organisation Al-Qaida, which carried out a large number of devastating terrorist attacks, including New York [and elsewhere] in 2001 with 2,996 dead and over 6,000 acutely injured, Madrid in 2004 with 193 dead and 2051 injured and London in 2005 with 52 dead and over 700 injured.
In case anyone misses the point:
One could assume that this message is intended to announce that political Islam will soon rule Bavaria. In autumn, a group of young Afghans who call themselves ‘Kings of Munich’ and ‘Rulers of Europe’ on TikTok became known. Tens of thousands of fans watch their videos. RTL broadcast a report on this group in September. Their aim is to help Islam rule Germany and install Sharia law. The Taliban are ‘the best government’. As Osama bin Laden also spent many years in Afghanistan, this mindset would fit in with the campaign.
The Taliban — to whom the Biden Administration surrendered and upon whom it showered hundreds of $millions of other people’s money — provided a haven for bin Laden as he launched the 9/11 attacks.
Apparently no one in charge has been in a hurry to take down this advertisement for Islamic mass murder. As of Sunday, bin Laden’s face was still up there, reminding Germans of their impending doom if they cannot reassert control over their country.
Joe Biden infamously opposed killing bin Laden in 2011. Biden is gone now, and his party is out of power. The USA has made amazing progress recently in the crucial task of getting moonbats out from behind the wheel. Germany still has some work to do.