Two 17-year-old minors suspected of several serious thefts in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) will be referred to the Créteil public prosecutor’s office on Thursday the 9th of January and will be brought before a juvenile court judge later that day. The minors will be presented ‘in view of a summons to a hearing to examine the question of guilt before the juvenile court on the 13th of February 2025’ for thefts aggravated by three circumstances – in a masked group, using a weapon.
The robbery on the 2nd December had a religious background. On that day, a young man was ambushed in the ‘Lucien Français’ neighbourhood in Vitry-sur-Seine. When he wanted to go to an appointment for a ‘business connection’, he was attacked by two people armed with a knife.
They forced him to say ‘long live Allah’ several times, as Le Figaro learnt from consistent sources. When the young man refused to do so, he was stabbed in the hand with a knife and filed a complaint.
Le Figaro / Vitry-sur-Seine (94) : après avoir racketté un individu, ils le poignardent à la main car il refusait de prononcer “Vive Allah”. Les deux jeunes de 17 ans seront entendus par le juge pour enfants – Fdesouche
Not much to celebrate lol. Well, I think they’re cowardly hyenas, but if they’re not severed from religion, they’ll wind up as mujahideen.
And by then, it’ll be too late for the police to do anything.
I like to watch it all burn in the seven continents. Except for Antartica, where it’s freezing.
BTW that’s my email. Call the police.