Scottish National Party slammed for claiming there are ’24 genders’

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As the UK’s Labour Party doubles down on opposition to puberty blockers and other transgender surgeries for minors, the Scottish National Party is going, once again, in the opposite direction. The SNP released a handy definitive list of “genders” attached to their guidance for public bodies in Scotland who collect data on sex and gender. Included in this list of very real, not at all made-up genders are: “Cisgender,” “trans man,” “trans woman,” “non-binary,” “trans-not otherwise specified,” “genderfluid,” “genderqueer,” “pangender,” “autigender,” and “questioning.”

My favorite of these (are we allowed to have favorites?) is “agender,” which the SNP defines as “a person who does not identify as having a gender.” This is a neat trick, I think: Someone’s identification as being someone with no gender is now officially their gender. I’ll bet the “agenders” didn’t see that coming. Then again, we didn’t see them coming, so I suppose we’re even. A Scottish Government spokesperson stated: “The point of the survey is to collect information on the respondents’ trans history and how they would define it. It is therefore important that the survey is designed in such a way that allows that information to be captured.” 

Of course, all this list really does is remind everyone how thoroughly the SNP has been captured. Feminist campaigner Ann Sinnott, directory of the Authentic Equity Alliance, succinctly referred to the SNP’s list as “crazy.” JK Rowling, who now improbably runs what is easily the funniest account on X, responded with her own identity demands: 

Rowling dunking on transgender activists is now a feature of X, but I’m old enough to remember fifteen minutes ago, when mocking gender ideology was social death. The fact that it is now par for the course says something about the extent to which transgender activists have lost their grip on the narrative, and that is positive news. If there is one thing LGBT activists cannot stand, it is being laughed at.  

This list, many media outlets noted, comes after First Minister John Swinney admitted back in July that there are only two genders (which is to say that sex and gender are the same thing), despite previously backing Nicola Sturgeon’s transgender activism during her tenure. I suspect this is far more common than most realize. Many liberal politicians who are obediently parroting the lines handed to them by the LGBT activists who have them firmly in their grip don’t actually believe any of this stuff. They don’t believe there are 24 (or more) genders. They just say they do because they’re afraid of the men in dresses. 

These politicians don’t believe in pregnant men, or brawny, bearded women, or any of this stuff. To their shame, they push it anyway – because they are cowards. I could cite specific examples of well-known politicians who nod along respectfully to all of this stuff in public while making fun of it in private. Ironically for them, the transgender activists they are making fun of are still powerful enough to get them to lie in public, so the joke is on them, and ultimately on all of us. The fever is starting to break due to the courage of fed-up elites like Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling, but transgender mania only got as far as it did due to the cowardice of men like John Swinney. 

If the media really wanted to find out how many of these Scottish National Party lemmings genuinely believe that there are 24 genders, there is an easy way they could find out. At a couple of press conferences, without warning, just ask these politicians to name some. To make it easy, just ask them to name ten of the genders they allegedly believe in. I’d bet good money that not a single one of them could do it.

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