Pro-Palestinian Far-Left Group Calls for Ousting of Meloni Government

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Creating unrest in Italy is not enough for the communist pro-Palestinian movement that has called for violent acts against Jews and friends of Israel. In their most recent statement, they share their ultimate goal which is to oust the conservative Meloni government and replace it with one that meets their extremist demands.

As Italian daily Il Giornale reports, the far-left Partito dei CARC (Committees to Support the Resistance for Communism) issued a statement on Monday, October 14th, vowing to strengthen their support for the “Palestinian resistance,” while also claiming that “war must also be fought in our country.”

The declaration was made after the government banned two pro-Palestinian rallies due to public security concerns. They were scheduled to take place on October 5th in Rome.

Numerous anti-Israel demonstrations have been held in Italy since October 7th of last year when Palestinian terror group Hamas massacred 1,200 Israeli civilians and took hundreds more hostage. Israel responded with an offensive against Hamas in Gaza, a fight that is still ongoing.

Many of the protests organised by far-left groups such as Partito dei CARC and the New Communist Party have been hateful and antisemitic in nature. Watan Jamil Alabed: “la resistenza ha riportato la causa palestinese alla ribalta internazionale”— P.CARC (@PartitoCARC) May 8, 2024

According to media reports, the extremist movement has even published a blacklist of Italian and Israeli companies, as well as Italian Jewish and non-Jewish politicians, academics, diplomats, journalists, and activists, all accused of being “Zionists” and “on Israel’s payroll.” Critics say the statement exposes the people on the list to possible violent retaliation.

Among the listed persons is holocaust survivor Liliana Segre, a 94-year-old senator of the Italian Parliament who has been a frequent target of antisemites.

Another one of the people singled out and called a “Zionist agent” is Francesco Giubilei, president of the conservative think tank Nazione Futura, who told The European Conservative:

Everyone has the right to demonstrate in favour of Palestine, but there is a big difference between the ‘right to demonstrate’ and making blacklists with the names of journalists, politicians, Jews, and people who simply support Israel. That is not freedom of expression; it is targeting that can lead to violence against the people targeted.

The latest declaration made by the communists on Monday invites its followers to fight a war in their own country, and to use disorder as a “first step to establish a just social order.”

“We need to oust the Meloni government and impose a government that is an expression of the demands and needs of the popular masses,” the statement reads, calling on a new government to—among other things—“declare Israel as an occupational, illegitimate and terrorist colony of the Palestinian territory”; “support the Palestinian resistance economically, politically and militarily”;  and to “withdraw all state-owned companies from Zionist-occupied territory.”

This is not the first time far-left extremist groups have called for the conservative government to be removed forcefully and as the Jewish news website Ynet states: “This is, indeed, an incitement to subvert the democratic order.” Spreading blacklists “risks expanding and leading to violent actions against Jewish, Israeli and pro-Israeli targets.”

Jerusalem-based The Times of Israel is also concerned: “Incitement to subvert democracy, blacklist of Jews, where has Italy gone?”

Pro-Palestinian Far-Left Group Calls for Ousting of Meloni Government ━ The European Conservative

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