‘If Islam is so great, why are you in a Christian country?’

By Olivia Murray

Katie Hopkins is one of my favorite conservative media personalities, and clips like this will show you exactly why:

Let’s use some Occam’s Razor logic here, shall we? First of all, who would possibly be paying anti-Islamist journalists to speak out against Islam? I’m personally in conservative media and I promise you, being up against the censorship machine, trying to stay independent and retain the right to remain partisan, is a tough go, and we’re all hurting for revenue. (Here’s my shameless pitch to become an American Thinker subscriber.)

The idea that there are shadow groups, paying “right-wing” nationalists to “hate” on foreign cultures is quite presumptive—if that were the case and there was money to be made in conservative media, independent conservative outlets would have a much larger influence, voice, and reach than they actually do.

Clearly, no one is getting paid to “hate on Muslims” as this man suggests—it’s merely a natural effect to an unnatural cause: tens of millions of third world Muslims flowing into Europe, including England, bringing their violence, regressive attitudes, and societal degradation with them, courtesy of treasonous European politicians and governments. Westerners don’t particularly like being overrun by 7th century barbarians; this pushback from the English people, and other citizens of Europe in their respective nations, is a completely logical and predictable response to watching in real-time the fall of the West to menacing hordes.

Like the bullies Islamist men are accustomed to being though, this man follows Hopkins as she walks away, attempting to ignore him and carry on with her journalist business, as he aggressively shouts the same accusing inquiry, before she retorts with one, brilliant, rhetorical question: “If Islam is so great, why are you in a Christian country?”

Inquiring minds would like to know. Why England? Why not just stay in his home country, which is apparently Pakistan? Why not the neighboring Afghanistan? Turkmenistan? Bangladesh? Indonesia? Turkey? Iraq? Iran? Seems like there are no shortage of nations ruled by Islamic law.

Why the Western nations, rooted in Judeo-Christian morality and values?

Oh that’s right, because this is a conquest. Islam is not a religion, but a political ideology.

The man stupidly attempts to argue that Britain is not a Christian country but a “secular” one, which should be grounds for deportation alone—on what moral code does this idiot think the government and society is founded? The Koran? Does he see canings in the English streets? Is he permitted to take English infidels as slaves? It’s only because of the tolerance of a Christian nation that men like him can even exist in its midst, practicing his “religion” without the threat of religious persecution.

Image generated by AI.


One thought on “‘If Islam is so great, why are you in a Christian country?’”

  1. Because the Muslim filth wants to forcibly change our countries to destroy anywhere potential ex-Muslims could flee to in order to build up resistance to the evil cult of the pedophile false prophet Muhammad.

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