Sleepwalking Germany into the Abyss

France has been shaken once again by a fresh, gruesome “isolated case” and a German minister rejoices.

The body of a 19-year-old student was found on Saturday in the Bois de Boulogne, the Parisian city park, showing obvious signs of rape. A 22-year-old Moroccan has since been arrested at Geneva train station as a prime suspect.

The French public finds it particularly outrageous because the alleged rapist was never deported despite a previous rape. Morocco – as is often the case – did not issue the necessary papers the first time, so the perpetrator was simply released.

The terrible murder comes amid the discussion about tightening French immigration policy, which has picked up speed again since the appointment of the new French government. “We must expand our legal arsenal,” wrote Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau on X. The public prosecutor’s office opened preliminary investigations into “murder and rape”. Retailleau thus indirectly accused the left-leaning French judiciary of acting too laxly.

The French aren’t buying it, however. Jordan Bardella, party leader of the right-wing Rassemblement National, commented: “This immigrant had no business being here […] Our judiciary is too lax, the state is not functioning.” Right-wing MEP Marion Maréchal, niece of Marine Le Pen, also accused the state of having exposed a young woman to “an imported rapist”. “Another illegal immigrant, another deportation that had not been carried out,” she wrote.

The new Interior Minister Retailleau, who belongs to the bourgeois-conservative Republicans, has declared several times in recent days that he planned to tighten immigration policy. The 63-year-old is considered one of the few political heavyweights in the new government, whose survival depends on the Rassemblement National not supporting future votes of no confidence from the left.

At least the French are waking up to the horrors that the globalists have been inflicting on them.

In Germany on the other hand, they are sleepwalking into disaster. The website has recently started documenting daily knife crime in Germany. The site only includes official police announcements, but the overall picture that emerges is dismaying: as of September 20 (Friday), a whopping 227 knife crimes have occurred in the month of September alone. Knife violence is therefore a sad part of everyday life in Germany.

But not for Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser (SPD). She was recently confronted with the statement by Bild reporter Paul Ronzheimer on SAT1: “People in Germany are getting the feeling that the terrorist attacks, these knife attacks, these murders, have become part of everyday life. That they have changed our country.”

Faeser’s astonishing answer was: “They are not! Fortunately, they have not become part of everyday life. We see in other European countries that unfortunately much more is happening there.” As if a heinous murder in France is a good thing!

Ronzheimer nevertheless persisted with his perception of “total powerlessness” – only to be corrected again by the Minister of the Interior: she knows that “in the vast majority of cases” citizens can continue to celebrate “peacefully” at public festivities without worries or fears…

Sleepwalking Germany into the Abyss – Free West Media

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