Mainstream media puts spotlight on ‘polyamory’ as latest trend in sexually deviant behavior


Keen observers will have noted a trend of late: The mainstream media is suddenly very, very fascinated with the subject of “polyamory.” For those blessedly unaware of what that is, “polyamory” is a cluster of people who are collectively intimate — so instead of couples, you have “throuples” and “quads” and beyond that, presumably, a harem or whatever. The term was coined around 1990, and with the success of the LGBT movement in redefining marriage and the natural family, the polyamorists are now beginning the push for state recognition of their weird arrangements.

Phase one has the been a wave of propaganda. Publications on both sides of the Atlantic have been covering sordid little stories about infidelity and love triangles with great vigor, as I reported earlier this year in The European Conservative. The New York Times published a review of Molly Roden Winter’s “open marriage” memoir titled “How a Polyamorous Mom Had ‘a Big Sexual Adventure’ and Found Herself.” The New Yorker published an essay titled “How Did Polyamory Become So Popular?” on Christmas Day. Time Magazine published an essay titled “Polyamory isn’t just for liberals,” which begins this way:

Polyamory seems to have burst upon the American mainstream over the past two decades. The deluge of podcasts, TV shows, books, and magazine articles detailing polycules, metamores, throuples, threesomes, and moresomes testifies to the growing number of Americans willing to jettison monogamy.

It has always grimly humorous to see the press breathlessly reporting on their own reporting. (“There has been increased media interest in polyamory,” the interested media reported polyamorously.) Presumably, the media knows why they have decided to dedicate so many resources to discussing why polyamory is a pretty good thing, actually, and it has quite a lot to do with the fact that they have served as the propaganda arm of the Sexual Revolution for decades now, and this is the latest thing. The most forthright contribution comes from New York Magazine, which dedicated its entire last issue to instructing its readers on how to go about things. Titled “Polyamory: A practical guide for the curious couple,” the issue’s cover featured a photo of four cats clutching each other.

Canadians will no doubt be unsurprised to hear that Trudeau’s Liberal government has gotten in on the game as well, but they may be shocked to discover how much it cost. According to a report by Cosmin Dzsurdzsa at True North, a Quebec study titled “Children’s views on the romantic partners of their polyamorous parents” in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, which was funded by a federal grant — the taxpayers — for a cool $70,662. The study, unsurprisingly, stated that children being exposed to polyamory was healthy and positive for their development. According to Dzsurdzsa:

Researchers interviewed 18 children between the ages of 5 and 16 years old. Three of the children in the cohort lived in households with their parents’ multiple sexual partners. Nine of the 10 households interviewed included adults who identified as LGBTQ+.

According to the study:

According to (polyamory)-practicing parents, exposing their children to (polyamory) teaches them to develop healthy, positive and respectful interpersonal relationships based on honest communication and transparency. As previously mentioned, most participating children mentioned more than one romantic partners in their lives.”

I could have told you that parents who sleep around would justify it by saying it was “good for their kids” for free, but the Canadian taxpayer had to pony up 70k for that gem. Utterly ignoring decades of research emphasizing the advantages of the natural family — and of children growing up with their mother and their father, rather than a parent and whoever that parent happens to be sleeping with at the moment — the researchers credulously reported that kids thought that their parent’s flavor of the month was someone who “expanded their circle of friends” or someone “who contributed to their material well-being.” As Dzsurdzsa summarized:

“For example, 9-year-old Ayden said he was able to create a special bond with one of his mother’s romantic partners, because he introduced him to a new hobby, which he now enjoyed doing with him: ‘One of the things that’s cool about him is that he’s the one who showed me how to do magic.,’” researchers wrote. One of the reasons cited as a benefit included that polyamorous partners gave kids “access to various material resources” like access to pools and gifts.

“Romantic partners were described by the children as contributing to their material comfort, by buying them things or sharing their possessions with them,” researchers wrote.  “For instance, 12-year-old Margo felt closer to her mother’s girlfriend than to her mother’s boyfriend. According to her, the fact that her mother’s girlfriend was younger than her mother’s boyfriend, and the fact that she was of the same gender as her meant that the two of them quickly found things in common,” the study reads.

In other words, the study is a very expensive exercise in listening to promiscuous adults justify their lifestyles. The study concluded that “ultimately, the presence of several loving and caring adults in the lives of their children is perceived by polyamorous parents as beneficial for the emotional, social and intellectual development of their children.” Key takeaway there: perceived by the parents. Children have suffered the most from the breakdown of the natural family as parent embark on their own selfish romantic adventures, and so in order to justify the Sexual Revolution, the press and the politicians and the academics collectively pretend that the kids would rather have access to a pool or magic tricks or presents than a stable family home that doesn’t revolve around their parents’ libidos and fetishes. It’s a sick joke — and, worse, we’re paying for this propaganda.

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