UK: Violent Transgender Child Rapist Has Prison Sentence Increased After Threatening to Mutilate Warden’s Genitals

A trans-identified male currently in prison after being convicted of the rape of two young girls has had his sentence extended by 33 months for threatening to murder and maim the genitals of officers. Marcia Walker, born Mark, 51, sent a series of voicemails, emails, and letters to prison staff in which he threatened to cut off a man’s penis, place his genitals in a blender, bomb and cut the brakes on his car, and burn down his house.

Last week, Guildford Crown Court heard how Walker phoned Crimestoppers from HMP Frankland in Durham on January 24 and falsely claimed there was a bomb in the staff parking lot. He also sent numerous threatening communications to staff, including one in which he said he wanted to murder the warden.

Walker had also physically assaulted two prison officers.

He was charged with two counts of racially aggravated public disorder, two counts of assaulting an emergency worker, two charges of sending malicious communications, as well as sending a communication threatening serious harm. He also admitted communicating false information about the bomb with intent. The total amount of time added to his sentence adds up to 33 months.

One prison employee told The Daily Mail that Walker is kept isolated for the safety of those around him. The outlet utilized “she/her pronouns for Walker throughout the article.

“[He] makes life difficult for [himself],” said the employee. Both the source and the publication referred to Walker with feminine pronouns. “If [he] just tried to get on with people, [his] time inside would go a lot quicker.”

Walker is legally recognized as “female” by prison authorities, and though he has made attempts to be transferred to a women’s correctional facility, he has been deemed to dangerous to be among women.

The Sun has previously revealed that prison administration is unwilling to transfer Walker due to the extreme danger he poses, and that he is instead being kept in total segregation in the high-security men’s facility.

An anonymous source at HMP Frankland told the Sun that the male inmates are “furious” over Walker’s treatment, as the rest of the inmates must be kept locked in their cells while Walker is eating or bathing.

Using feminine pronouns for Walker, the source stated: “She has to be treated as a woman but cannot be moved to a female prison because she poses a risk. And, as she’s legally a woman, she must be kept apart from male inmates.”

Marcia Walker, born Mark Walker, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the 2003 rape of two young girls — one of whom was just 4 years old at the time. In addition to the assaults, he was also convicted on multiple counts related to the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse images.

Since his initial sentencing, Walker has repeatedly received additional prison time for bomb and death threats made against government officials and the prisons he has been incarcerated at.

Walker was released from prison in 2012, just 8 years into his sentence, and sent to a half-way house in Windsor. While there, he claimed there was a bomb in the residence, and was taken back to prison for his malicious hoax. After arriving, he called in a number of other death threats and bomb hoaxes, including one against then-Home Secretary Theresa May. In 2013, he was handed an additional 6-year sentence as a result of his violent threats.

In 2015, he would be given another 4 years time after making similar threats while incarcerated at Parkhurst prison, calling Crimestoppers and claiming there was a nail bomb in the parking lot, and a bomb at the Prison Governor’s home.

Two years later, Walker, suddenly identifying as a woman, made even more bomb threats while incarcerated at HMP Long Lartin, claiming it was due to a delay in getting “gender affirming” care. He was sentenced to an additional 5 years.

In 2021, Walker made headlines for assaulting prison staff after they confiscated multiple prohibited items from his cell at the maximum security Frankland institution in Durham.

Walker became enraged prison staff confiscated National Geographic magazines from him after they were found to contain naked depictions of children. Due to the violent threats he made, prison officers then objected to Walker having razorblades in his cell, concerned for the safety of staff and inmates. Walker then physically attacked a guard, claiming his “gender dysphoria” would be exacerbated if he was not allowed to shave.

However, Walker was not initially given additional time in custody after the assault, but was instead released into the community on a 15-month suspended sentence and sent to a halfway house in Surrey.

Just weeks later, Walker was arrested once again and sent back to prison for breaching the conditions of his release after seeking out images of naked babies in an Oxford bookstore.

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