Tax money to fund Islamists? A foundation in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is chaired by CDU Minister President Hendrik Wüst, is to finance an Islamic association that wants to force little girls to wear headscarves.
Hendrik Wüst, Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia since October 2021, is known to want to ‘not allow our way of life to be destroyed’ after Solingen. But how does it fit together that he is allegedly simultaneously feeding Islamic extremists who are doing just that with the German taxpayer’s hard-earned money?
Specifically, it’s about the ‘Support the Woman’ project. The Islamic operator pretends to be in favour of women’s rights and equality, but behind the pink facade lies a misogynistic Islamic project. Underage girls are specifically approached in pedestrianised areas to test out the Islamic headscarf and are sold a supposedly ‘feminist’ version of Islam, which in reality propagates the subordination of women.
The association ‘Das Licht e.V.’, founder of the project, propagates the ideologies inherent in Islam, which fundamentally reject equality between men and women. In the Islamic world view, women are considered ‘naked’ and ‘manipulated’ if they do not submit to the restrictive Islamic dress code. A central aspect of the project is the depiction of the headscarf as protection against men, which cements the assumption that men have uncontrolled urges from which women must protect themselves by covering themselves. This backward way of thinking in the political religion of Islam degrades women to objects who must hide themselves from the supposedly inescapable danger posed by men. The depiction of the headscarf as a ‘protective measure’ is more reminiscent of archaic ideas in which women bear responsibility for the behaviour of men instead of viewing both sexes as equals.
The focussing on young girls in public is particularly alarming. They are encouraged to try out Islamic symbols such as the misogynistic headscarf at a critical age when they are still easily influenced.
This pressure and the subtle indoctrination, which is reinforced by free headscarves and ‘gifts’, shows a clear attempt to win children and young people over to a one-sided, strict interpretation of Islam.
The ‘Support the Woman’ website also offers questionable advice on how to avoid shaking hands, a common form of greeting in Western societies. Such ‘tips and tricks’ deliberately promote the separation of Muslims from the majority society and contribute to the Islamisation of our society.
The association ‘Das Licht e.V.’, initiator of the ‘Support the Woman’ project, received almost 9,500 euros between 2020 and 2021 from the NRW Foundation for Environment and Development, which is dominated by the CDU and chaired by Minister-President Hendrik Wüst, who, according to the magazine Nius, is the chairman of the foundation’s board. To make it clear once again: The project specifically recruits minors to propagate Islamic values, such as wearing the headscarf. Why is North Rhine-Westphalia distributing taxpayers’ money to support an Islamist organisation? Why is Wüst supporting such a project with public money?