Musk warns against population exchange

Texas border sign. Photo credit: Greg Bulla

US billionaire and Tesla founder Elon Musk has once again spoken out clearly in favour of Donald Trump in the US election campaign and warned against a Democrat election victory. In this case, a deluge of migrants would turn future US elections into a farce.

On X, Musk wrote: “The publicly-stated goal by almost all leaders of the Democratic Party is to legalize the ~15 million illegal migrants as soon as possible, as well as bring in tens of millions more.

That would immediately make all swing states deep blue, just like happened in California with the 1986 amnesty, turning America into a permanent one-party state.

This is the last real election if Trump loses.”

Elon Musk has long made no secret of the fact that he thinks Donald Trump is the better choice. Trump retaliated by hinting in August that he wanted Musk on his team, for example as an advisor on AI issues. At the beginning of September, he returned to the issue and spoke about setting up a special commission to examine government programs together with Musk. The latter said he looked forward to his appointment.

Musk warns against population exchange – Free West Media