Germany Demands Gab Finger User Who Said “Fat”

Anarchotyranny means that even as Islamic colonists are allowed to run riot to the point that a “festival of diversity” has a body count, a foreign Internet platform is approached by the police for allowing users to call a left-wing member of Parliament fat.

Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

The operator of the social network Gab received a request from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) to hand over all the data of a user who had denigrated Ricarda Lang because of her weight.

To his credit, Andrew Torba refused. His response, via The Noticer:

As you can see, “openly bisexual” German Greens coleader Ricarda Lang is in fact fat — even if saying so incurs the wrath of the Stasi.

Moonbattery Germany Demands Gab Finger User Who Said “Fat” – Moonbattery

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