WHAT? After Germany Issues Warrant Against Ukrainians for Nord Stream Sabotage – Including one ‘VOLODYMYR Z’ – Liberal Polish PM Tusk Says they ‘Must Apologize and Keep Quiet’!

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To ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE’S Surprise, once the famed Germanic investigation services were allowed to do their job minimally unimpeded, they have started handing out arrest warrants for the sabotage of the 2 year-old sabotage explosions of the Nord Stream pipeline – all to Ukrainians.

Most people here in TGP remember how the Mockingbird media made their best efforts to try to convince the world that Russians had blew up their own pipeline, erasing much needed income and depriving Germans of the inexpensive gas, sending its economy on a downward spiral.

Many other theories came to the surface including Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh’s ‘insider sources’ guaranteeing CIA divers did the deed.

But as the German investigations draws to a close, the investigation maxim ‘Cui Bono’ (Who benefits?) is vindicated – all the present suspects are Ukrainians including a Volodymyr Z. who was living in Poland.

Meanwhile, LIberal Polish PM, Donald Tusk, a pro Kiev fanatic who never saw an Ukrainian crime he didn’t love, has an ‘interesting take’ on it all: the victims of one of the greatest economic terror attacks in history should “apologize and keep quiet.”

Yes, you read it right.

That ‘lovely’ comment came as one of his deputies denied claims that Warsaw was partly responsible for its damage.

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