Germany: Jordanian deliberately crashes his taxi into a group of women in Cologne; previously he had probably already fatally injured a woman in Essen

What an incredible rampage!
A Jordanian ( aged 44) deliberately ran over several people in Cologne’s historic city centre on Monday evening, injuring some of them seriously!
According to witnesses, the taxi driver from Velbert sped his car into the “Kleine Budengasse” shortly after 10 p.m. – there he hit two women (22, 23) head-on who were just about to go to the Alter Markt.
But that didn’t stop the man’s rampage: he then sped off in the car towards the Rhine, where he hit three more women. He hit two of them, one woman was able to avoid being hit by jumping to the side.

A waiter ( aged 34) from the brewery in front of which the crime took place (photo) became a courageous hero. The police said: “He took up the chase on foot.” And put himself in great danger in the process: the taxi had come towards him on “Große Neugasse” – the driver had driven towards him without braking.
Despite jumping to the side, a wing mirror hit his upper body. In the end, the waiter managed to detain the driver, who had got out of the vehicle at Alter Markt, until the police arrived.

The man’s rampage probably started an hour earlier: at around 9 pm, the same taxi had already hit a woman ( aged 50) turning right in Essen. The pedestrian suffered life-threatening injuries. “This case is now also being investigated by the Cologne police. Whether it is the same driver is still the subject of the police investigation,” according to a statement.
As the man was presumably under the influence of cocaine and cannabis and cocaine was also found in the vehicle, police officers ordered a blood test. After a medical examination, the emergency doctor admitted the arrested suspect to a psychiatric clinic.
The police are asking witnesses to the incidents to contact the police by calling 0221/2290.

Amokfahrt in Köln: Taxifahrer fährt absichtlich Fußgänger um | Regional |