Murder of a woman in Vienna, Austria: Afghan suspect arrested in Berlin

Berlin Airport, Wikimedia Commons , Arne Müseler, CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE

After the killing of a 29-year-old woman with a knife in Vienna’s Meidling district, the suspect has been arrested: The Afghan husband ( aged 31), who had been on the run since the crime, was apprehended at Berlin airport. The police had been contacted by relatives of the woman who had reported an argument between the couple and were worried when they could no longer make contact with the Afghan-born woman. The door to the locked flat was opened at 9.20am on Thursday. The police found the dead woman there, she had stab wounds to her chest and neck.
According to information from, the victim had only recently arrived in Austria. The marriage is said to have been arranged. The suspect is said to have been living in Vienna for 14 years and to be a registered asylum seeker.

Frauenmord in Wien: Verdächtiger Afghane in Berlin gefasst | Exxpress

One thought on “Murder of a woman in Vienna, Austria: Afghan suspect arrested in Berlin”

  1. I mean, why run? They aren’t going to discipline you like a sane country or any of the Muslim crapholes. They’ll put him up in a nice temp regulated cell, he’ll have a warm bed and 3 nice meals a day for free. It’s like a paid vacation for Muslims.

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