The trans narrative is getting more insane: media now touts ‘nonbinary transgender’ Olympian

 Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia).GFDL

 There have been a lot of truly delusional headlines over the past decade as the press herded itself into line with the transgender movement’s ever-changing language diktats. From solemnly using phrases such as “her penis” to obediently using Orwellian terms such as “gender-affirming surgery,” the propagandists did their part for the revolution – and only recently did the mainstream media allow any factchecking of the transgender movement’s claims. Reading anything in the press about the transgender movement requires a translator at this point (is that a he? A she? What’s a “transwoman”? etc.).  

But this July 3 headline from the New York Times is truly a masterpiece of stupidity and self-parody: “Nikki Hiltz, transgender, nonbinary runner, qualifies for Olympics: ‘This is bigger than just me.’” 29-year-old Hiltz is a female athlete who identifies as both transgender and nonbinary, and the media has decided to enthusiastically report this as fact while also using Hiltz’s preferred pronouns, “they/them.” The Daily MailTIMEToronto StarNew York Post, and a slew of other papers all referred to Hiltz as a “nonbinary transgender” athlete in their headlines.  

Let’s break this down, shall we? According to the queer studies scholars themselves, nonbinary means identifying as neither male nor female (thus the whole “they/them” thing). Transgender, on the other hand, refers to males who identify as females or females who identify as males – people who feel that they have been “born in the wrong body.” By these very definitions, someone could not be both “nonbinary” and “transgender.” If Hiltz was “transgender,” she would identify as a male. But she identifies as both of those things, and nobody is interested in pointing out that this just isn’t a thing. The press is too busy celebrating this new milestone in LGBT history and gushing about how this Olympic announcement came right on the heels of “Pride Month.” 

Granted, language has been transitioning so swiftly and new genders evolving with such frequency that perhaps these terms mean entirely different things already, and the dictionaries just haven’t been edited yet to reflect our new social delusions. As the New York Times reported

Hiltz wrote a piece for Runner’s World in 2021 explaining how the sport helped them express their gender identity and find descriptive terms that felt authentic. ‘I’m transgender, I don’t identify with the sex I was assigned at birth, I currently describe my gender as non-binary, and I prefer they/them pronouns,’ they wrote.

Predictably, Hiltz is primarily using her platform to discuss her various queer identities. “I definitely pour a lot of myself and a lot of my time and energy into the queer community and being an advocate,” Hiltz said in an interview last year. “But I do that because I get so much in return. I feel like every time I meet another nonbinary person in the queer community, they provide me with more representation. They always say that I’m doing that for them, but I think representation is a two-way street and I definitely feel empowered.” 

“I’m so privileged,” Hiltz added last week. “I have an incredible support system. My family has always been accepting of me, when I came out about my sexuality, and then when I came out with my gender identity [in 2021]. I just know so many queer people don’t have that love and support.” Despite all that, she is competing… in women’s sports, despite being a “nonbinary transgender” athlete, or whatever.  

But despite this near-universal celebration and public acceptance of identity claims from the fifth estate, trans activists still pretend that they are the victims of enormous persecution. 

The Advocate, for example – and I’m not making this up – published a column this week titled, “The transgender community is facing a silent genocide in the U.K.” Why? Because despite the press, the progressive politicians, academia, and the entertainment industry all marching in lockstep to the transgender movement’s tune, the public is still staunchly opposed to sex change surgeries for kids. The “genocide,” it turns out, is perpetrated by those who are opposed to the medical experiments on kids – not the ones who support sterilizing confused children. Nothing means anything anymore.