Worse Punishment for Insulting Rapists Than for Rape

The disgraceful judgement of the Hamburg Regional Court. Wikimedia Commons , Claus-Joachim Dickow, CC-BY-2.5

As Voltaire is said to have said, “If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.” If the government is run by leftists, you are ruled by criminals. Consequently, be careful what you say about rapists in Hamburg, Germany:

Because a 20-year-old girl insulted a rapist as a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, she has now been deprived of her freedom for longer than eight out of nine of the rapists involved.

Of the nine dishonorable pigs found guilty of raping a 15-year-old child, eight received suspended sentences. A tenth accused rapist got off altogether.

The 20-year-old posted her appraisal of the rapists on WhatsApp. This earned her a weekend in prison — more punishment than all but one of the rapists.

As you would expect in Germany these days, eight of the nine rapists have immigrant backgrounds. At trial, they showed no remorse for the gang rape, which they recorded on video.

Moonbattery Worse Punishment for Insulting Rapists Than for Rape – Moonbattery