France: A 10-year-old boy wearing a cross was insulted as a “dirty Christian” and a “dirty Jew”. Two North Africans also threatened the victim, saying that he “deserved to be crushed”

A disturbing incident occurred in Alfortville in which a young person was the victim of religious insults and anti-Semitic remarks. The incident took place on June 19 at 4.40 pm in the Allée du Douanier Rousseau. A teenager told his parents that he had been verbally abused in the street by two people of “North African origin”, according to a police source.

The two attackers had seen a cross worn by the victim, followed him and uttered particularly nasty insults. The teenager was called a “dirty Christian” and a “dirty Jew” and received verbal threats, with the attackers telling him, among other things, that he “deserved to be crushed” because of his religion. (…) Le JDD

(…) The two 11-year-old boys accused of the offences have been identified by the police. They will be questioned by the investigation department of the Alfortville police station,” the Créteil public prosecutor’s office told BFMTV. BFMTV

Un enfant de 10 ans, portant une croix, traité de “sale chrétien” et de “sale juif” à Alfortville (94). Deux garçons de 11 ans identifiés par la police, ils ont aussi lancé à la victime qu’il “méritait de se faire écraser” – Fdesouche