Muslim Israel-hater wanted to set Berlin on fire – she pretends to be ignorant in court

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She incited hatred against Israel, glorified violence and wanted to “turn Neukölln into Gaza”. Since Friday, Shireen M. (27) has been on trial for this at the criminal court in Berlin-Moabit.
An appearance with a headscarf, protective mask and black sunglasses. Right at the start of the hearing at 9.30 a.m., the accused admitted to inciting hatred against Israel and sharing hate content on Instagram. Specifically, on the 18th of October 2023, she allegedly called on her 450 followers to carry out violent riots in the Berlin district of Neukölln.

“Men” were to come to Pannierstraße at 10 pm with stones, batons and masks. The following was posted: “We will turn Neukölln into Gaza. Set everything on fire.” And: “Our brothers and sisters are being massacred in Gaza.”
That same night, there were indeed serious riots on Pannierstraße. Cars, rubbish bins and tyres were set on fire. Pro-Palestinian rioters battled with the police in the streets. 65 police officers were injured!

Shortly after the riots, Shireen M. shared videos glorifying the violence. Explosive: Back in August 2022 – well before the Middle East conflict – M. shared a photo of a pro-Israeli demonstration. She wrote: “You would need a suicide bomber here now”.
M. also shared Hamas propaganda shortly after October 7. The photo shows an Israeli soldier lying dead in a pool of blood, with a black boot pressed onto his head. Inhumane!
The evidence is overwhelming. But the Danish-born woman with German citizenship feigns ignorance. In court, she says that she naively shared the posts online and did not create them herself. She is not politically active and has never come into conflict with the law.
She is pregnant and is due to give birth to her second child in August. The trial had to be repeatedly interrupted for this reason.
Two further trial days have been scheduled. A judgement is expected at the end of June.

Israel-Hasserin wollte Berlin anzünden – vor Gericht stellt sie sich dumm | Regional |