France: They are having a nice time in the evening when two Afghan migrants try to rape them. Thanks to the bravery of a police trainee, they are spared the worst

Two young girls were victims of an attempted rape yesterday, Friday June 14 at 11:40 pm in Dijon (Côte-d’Or), as Valeurs actuelles has learned from police sources. Two men, a 23-year-old Afghan refugee known to the TAJ (Traitement des Antécédents Judiciaires) and a 20-year-old man also claiming to be Afghan, attacked the girls as they strolled through the city.

The two men offered to perform a sexual act against payment. After the victims refused, the main suspect took off his trousers and tried to undress one of the girls by grabbing her buttocks.

A police trainee, who was travelling in his car, heard the victims’ screams and intervened to help them. He took them to safety in his vehicle before following the attackers. The girls were able to notify the police and the two men were arrested shortly before midnight and taken into police custody. The National Prosecuting Authority (CPN) was called in.

[INFO VA] Dijon : deux jeunes filles agressées sexuellement par deux Afghans – Valeurs actuelles