South Tyrol: Dangerous Islamist sentenced and deported


A 40-year-old man from the Middle East, who once looked for refuge in Bolzano, has been sentenced to a total of almost nine years in prison. The court in Trento sentenced him to four years for membership of a criminal organisation with terrorist activities. The court in Bolzano sentenced him to a further four years and ten months for domestic abuse in 2021.

After serving his sentence and being released from prison, the man lived in a guesthouse with a fellow countryman without a permanent job. His status as a political refugee, which he was granted in 2008, was later revoked. A renewed application for international protection was rejected.

The man belonged to the “JWEB” organisation in Merano, which trained extremists for attacks in Europe and worldwide. Due to the serious accusations and his dangerous personality, Quaestor Paolo Sartori decided to expel him.

He was taken to the Deportation Centre in Gradisca d’Isonzo (Gorizia), where he is awaiting deportation to his country of origin.

Quaestor Sartori emphasised that the expulsion of people who pose a threat to security is necessary to ensure public safety.

Südtirol: Gefährlicher Islamist verurteilt und abgeschoben – UnserTirol24