France: Jihadists plotted terrorist attacks on premises belonging to the Identitarian movement

Two Parisian anti-terrorism investigating magistrates have ordered that two teenagers suspected of planning jihadist terrorist attacks, particularly on the bars of the Identitarian movement, be tried in July, AFP news agency learnt on Friday from a source familiar with the case. The main suspect, who was a minor at the time of the attacks, will be tried before the juvenile court on July 9 and 10, while his alleged accomplice Hamza K. will be tried before the 16th chamber of the Paris criminal court on July 4.

Projets d’attentats contre des bars identitaires à Lille et Lyon : deux jeunes seront jugés en juillet. Ils devront aussi répondre leurs contacts avec le djihadiste Oumar Diaby ou des membres de sa katiba en Syrie – Fdesouche