German Climate Activists: “If You Blow Up Pipelines, Don’t Get Caught”

Photo: Quartl, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The German climate protest group ”Hungern, bis ihr ehrlich seid” (Starve until you’re honest), whose members have taken turns hunger striking in a Berlin park since March, has ended that form of activism and is now telling members to take more aggressive action. 

Adam Lack, one of the activists, called on people to join an environmental group and commit acts of sabotage, Tagesspiegel reports, such as turning off pipelines or blowing them up, slashing the tires of SUVs, and blocking roads.

The group had earlier approached Chancellor Olaf Scholz, asking him to publicly affirm three of their statements, including that “[the] continued existence of human civilization is extremely endangered by the climate catastrophe.” Scholz has not spoken to the group, its website says, adding that “[t]his trivializes the climate crisis we are heading towards.”

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, who ended his hunger strike after 92 days after a medical emergency, said since more peaceful protests have failed to achieve their purposes, “the last chance now lies in self-empowerment,” adding: 

I call on you: do what you enjoy. If you want to blow up pipelines, please don’t get caught.

After speaking to the media, Metzeler-Kick glued himself to the asphalt on a nearby street, blocking car and tram traffic.
It is not the first time German climate activists have called for sabotaging pipelines. In 2022, Luisa Neubauer, the German spokesman for Fridays for Future, suggested blowing up the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). After blowback on social media, Neubauer backtracked from the statement, saying she was referring to a radical left-wing extremist book that called for an escalation in activism to stop fossil fuels.