Teenage boys could face jail time for putting skid marks on LGBT crosswalk with scooters

LGBT ‘Pride’ colored crosswalk in Spokane, Washington4 News Now / YouTube

 Three teenage boys in Spokane, Washington, could face up to five years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines for putting skid marks on a rainbow-colored street mural with their scooters.

Local media reported that 19-year-old Ruslan Turko and two unnamed minors were arrested earlier this month on suspicion of first-degree malicious mischief with a hate crime bias.

The three apparently used rented Lime scooters to deface a LGBT-themed crosswalk at the intersection of Howard Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard near Riverfront Park. The mural is one of 29 painted intersections in the city.

The trio allegedly shouted profanities at pro-gay patrons of a nearby pub as well after the person had yelled “you don’t destroy symbols without intention behind it” at them as they were carrying out their act of protest.

This is not the first time the intersection has experienced vandalism. The mural was repainted in April 2024 after a previous incident in October 2023. One month later, on May 16, it was targeted again when a group of people lit it on fire around 1:30 a.m. Moreover, just days after Turko and his friends were arrested, another incident was carried out as white and yellow paint was discovered on the mural on Tuesday, June 11.

Washington’s new hate crime vandalism law went into effect June 6. Turko and his compatriots were arrested around 9 p.m. on June 5. It is not readily apparent if the law, which was signed in March by ultra-liberal Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, will be applied to the offense.

Turko appeared in court earlier this month with his lawyer. He was released on his own recognizance as long as he does not return to the crosswalk or engage with the other suspects. His arraignment is set for June 18. Prosecutors asked for a $15,000 bond that would cover costs needed to repaint the mural.

Scooter company Lime issued a statement condemning the incident. “All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms. At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.”

The company announced it would implement a “no ride zone” around the mural as well.

A new report from pro-LGBT business group Out Leadership listed Washington as the 12th most LGBT-friendly state in the U.S. behind New York, Connecticut, Vermont, and Oregon, among other ultra-liberal states.
