Germany: Muslim party DAVA wins 41 per cent in Duisburg in the European Parliament elections

The Marxloh district of Duisburg, screen grab youtube

The fact that Germany no longer looks like Germany in certain areas is evident after the EU elections in voting districts in the highly Islamised city of Duisburg, where Erdogan’s hardcore Muslim party, DAVA, was able to collect 41.10 per cent of the vote.

Voting district 1001 in the city of Duisburg – like many districts in Germany – has already been lost to Islam. There, the Muslim party founded in January, which operates under the bogus name ‘Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening’ (DAVA), was able to mobilise its Islamic voters and achieve a shocking election result. With 41.10 per cent of the vote, the Muslim party did best by far. In second place was the AfD with 14.16 per cent, followed by the SPD with 10.96 per cent. The CDU achieved 8.68 per cent.

DAVA, which is considered to be Islamist and the extended arm of Erdogan, celebrated its victory in Duisburg on social media: ‘ Let’s see what we can achieve together’ was the party’s message to its Muslim voters.

What they want to achieve can be described in one word: Islamisation. In their party programme, those loyal to Allah start by talking about a ‘general commitment to promoting integration and participation’. But then, without further ado, they go on to talk about their actual goals. Under the heading ‘Combating Islamophobia’, it says: ‘Just as East and West are inextricably linked, we recognise that Islam is an integral part of Germany.’ In order to force Germany under the Islamic thumb, the DAVA wants to gain even more influence over the educational programmes offered by schools, the work of the media and the activities of public administrations. The aim is to ‘promote a realistic and more positive image of Islam’. In the ‘Culture and Media’ chapter, for example, this is concretised by advocating ‘correcting inappropriate portrayals of Islam and Muslims in school and history textbooks and replacing them with factual information’.

Muslim-Partei DAVA fährt 41 Prozent ein » Journalistenwatch

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