Don’t celebrate yet: The WHO could still sneak the pandemic treaty through a back door

Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization, December 2021.WHO YouTube screenshot

Negotiations to finalize both the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new Pandemic Treaty stalled on Friday May 24, leading many to claim that the treaty was “dead.”  However, the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus,  immediately stated that the negotiations would continue.

Several nations, including the United States, have proposed a Resolution, the effect of which would be that the WHO will continue to negotiate the proposed Amendments to the IHR throughout this week, to be voted upon by the end of the week.

press release from the WHO makes clear that it wants to finalize the Amendments to the International Health Regulations by June 1.

Reggie Littlejohn, Co-Founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and President of Anti-Globalist International, traveled to Geneva for the World Health Assembly. She stated:

Negotiating Amendments to the International Health Regulations during the meeting of the World Health Assembly, to be disclosed the day of the vote on those amendments, is a flagrant violation of IHR Article 55, which requires that all proposed amendments be circulated in their final form four months in advance of a vote.  The intent of Article 55 is to give national governments and civil society time to review the proposed changes and analyze their impact. The fact that the World Health Organization is willing to violate its own laws and regulations so flagrantly indicates their disdain for the rule of law. If they are willing to toss even their own procedural safeguards out the window, why should we expect them to honor the laws of our nation?

Littlejohn continued: “Beyond this, we have no idea what they are planning to add to the IHRs, as they are negotiating them this week in a black box. Will they try to inject problematic provisions of the Pandemic Treaty – provisions that could damage our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom – into the IHRs, so that they can get them passed by consent rather than putting them to the rigorous 2/3 majority vote required by a treaty? We must do everything we can to stop this vote on Friday!”