Speed dating with Muslims? The German Catholic Convention 2024 makes it possible

Christoph FriedrichCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons | Muslime: Midjourney | Programm: Screenshots – Katholikentag Erfurt 2024

This year’s Catholic Convention in Erfurt offers its visitors intimate moments with representatives of Islamic organisations, among other things. ‘Speed dating’ with the Ahmadiyya community or the Muslim Education Centre for Democracy are on the programme. How far has the subjugation of the church already progressed?

The Catholic Convention takes place in Germany every two years. The five-day event, financed by public and church funds, aims to present and communicate the various facets of the Catholic faith. To this end, stands, seminars and courses are offered – this time including ‘speed dating’ between Catholics and Muslims and Islamic organisations. Interreligious dialogue in the form of a romantic date?

The event entitled ‘Muslim life in Erfurt – speed dating with members of Muslim communities’ is being organised by the Muslim Education Centre for Democracy and the Round Table of Religions. The head of the educational organisation, Thaer Issa, revealed in the past that he has his own idea of democracy when he invited the parliamentary groups of all parties except the AfD to an event in Erfurt city council. Are AfD members not welcome at speed dating either? Perhaps Issa is afraid of being given the brush-off.

In any case, it seems as if the Catholic Convention wants to make the Islamisation of Germany palatable to young visitors in particular. The emphatically youthful ‘speed dating’ with members of the Ahmadiyya community, for example, which is considered to be controversial despite its highly customised propaganda, should certainly be a warning signal for parents. The Catholic Church must also ask itself how far its subjugation has already progressed when it sponsors such events with millions in funding.

Speeddating mit Muslimen? Der Katholikentag 2024 macht’s möglich (heimatkurier.at)