Germany: Arab killer mocks his victims via video from prison

The crime scene, screen grab youtube

A German prison as a stage for a killer! Hamada K. (23), who shot and killed an Italian father in Hanover, mocks his own victim in a video. Unbelievable: the 23-year-old was apparently able to film the harassing footage completely unsupervised in prison and then distribute it.
In October 2023, the German-Syrian from Hamelin was sentenced to eleven years in prison for manslaughter and illegal possession of weapons by the Hanover Regional Court.
An argument with two Italian brothers escalated at a tram stop in the Döhren district in February: Filippo S. (†34), who came to the aid of his brother (19) and apparently only wanted to mediate, was struck down by Hamada K. with two pistol shots. The father of two bled to death on the platform.

During his time in prison, the serious criminal wannabe rapper with the stage name ‘H8’ – a mix of the English words ‘Hate’ and ‘Eight’ – had already lived out his neurotic need for publicity: he published videos from his prison cell on his Tiktok channel.
Although inmates are not allowed to own mobile phones, he has now got his hands on another smartphone. For his clip (available to BILD) travelling through the prison, Hamada K. even recruited a handful of extras this time, who, like him, covered themselves with scarves and masks and posed for the camera as tough guys. ‘A lot happened, but I had to pay for it. My heart is freezing, it’s dead, I don’t have a gun,’ he mumbles, rapping more verses in hard-to-understand, grotty German. The 26-second video ends with the clumsy phrase ‘You’ll find him, then you’ll have to dig’. More than 15,000 Tiktok users have listened to this rhyming nonsense.

For the family of the father who was killed, the fact that the incorrigible gunman is behind bars, making videos about his terrible deed, is unbearable. Filippo S.’s sister is furious and told BILD: “Is this a youth centre or a prison?”
A spokeswoman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice said: ‘Immediately after it became known, the video footage was analysed in order to narrow down the time of the recording and identify the participants.’ The mobile phone was seized during a search of Hamada K.’s prison cell.
Scandalous: The killer’s Tiktok channel still exists, however, and the video can still be accessed. The Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice did not want to say in which prison the scandalous video was recorded …

In Hannover verurteilt: Killer verhöhnt Todesopfer in Gefängnis | Regional |