Fico’s shooting shows resurgence of leftist terrorism

Robert Fico, screen grab youtube

We are back in an era of a hundred years ago. In Europe, political violence is taking place in the streets, with left-wing parties and their loyalists forming stormtroopers. Ilaria Salis, the primary accused in the anti-fascist case of brutally violent street crimes in our country, is being excused by the entire left at the EU level.

Now, shots have been fired following an extraordinary meeting of the Slovak cabinet. Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot by a left-wing assailant with a clear political motive. He fired only because he disagreed with government policy. He had already decided to attack Robert Fico after the presidential election.

It is astonishing that Slovak left-wing political behavior could become hateful at this level. The unfortunate direct consequence of this was that an oppositional, extreme liberal poet may have felt he had to solve a situation he did not like by political assassination. This shows that there is very serious confusion in the minds of left-wing thinkers and leaders, not only in Slovakia, but also here and throughout Europe.

There can be no doubt that the responsibility for what has happened in Slovakia lies with the left-wing opposition and the liberal press, which has been constantly inciting against Fico. For Sky News in the U.K., it is not surprising that this event could have happened, because Robert Fico is strongly pro-Russian, and this could have been a direct cause of what happened. It also recalls that Slovakia, like Hungary, has been reluctant to support Ukraine on a number of occasions under Fico’s leadership, and that this is not to the liking of many.

But where does the problem-solving thinking of the left come from, what are its roots? Leftist ideology is rooted in violence, in the violation of rights, in a lack of respect for human dignity. Institutionalized political violence is a red thread running through the history of the left. Take Lenin, for example, who, as we understand him today, was nothing more than an unscrupulous political adventurer financed by the West, who, after coming to power, elevated permanent political violence in his country.

It is typical of left-wing public thinking these days that after the assassination attempt on the Slovak prime minister, social media sites were flooded with posts expressing enthusiastic agreement with the assassin and hopes that Viktor Orbán would be treated in the same way.

So, to resolve the various political tensions and disagreements, the left-wing formula looks like this: If you don’t act at once, you get a bullet in the head. It is urgent for everyone (in Hungary) to decide for themselves whether they want to live in a world dreamed up by liberals, where political violence and hate-mongering are a permissible means to an end, or whether they want to stick to the national Christian values that have provided a safe point of reference and ensured the survival of their country and nation for a thousand years. In order to choose and live by the latter, we must banish from domestic political life forever the globalist, nation-destroying quacks, the liberal cataract-makers, the prophets of hate-mongering. On June 9, with our votes, let us give normality, peace, and non-violent public life a chance.