14-year-old migrant girl planned IS terror attack in Graz, Austria

Jakominiplatz square in Graz, Wikimedia Commons , User:Mediocrity, PD-self

A 14-year-old girl is said to have planned a terrorist knife attack on Jakominiplatz square in Graz. Police officers secured objects prepared for the attack as well as IS propaganda material belonging to the girl. Chats recovered had started the investigation.
The 14-year-old girl did not confess and refused to make a statement to the police. The public prosecutor’s office in Graz ordered the arrest and committal of the 14-year-old girl to Jakomini prison, and she has already been remanded in custody due to the risk of the offence being carried out and the risk of a cover-up.

Investigators from the Styrian State Office for State Security and Counter-Extremism (LSE) were put on the girl’s trail by a tip-off from a European security authority. A chat history was seized in which there was obviously talk of planning a terrorist attack on Jakominiplatz squre in Graz. The girl had already prepared weapons for this purpose – an axe and a knife – as well as special clothing. She sent pictures of them via Messenger to apparently ‘like-minded people’ abroad. The attack was to target ‘infidels’.

Based on her social media activities, the police managed to track down the 14-year-old girl from Graz, who has Montenegrin roots. The officers seized the alleged murder weapon, the clothing mentioned in the chat and several data carriers. The data carriers contained IS propaganda material as well as numerous combat and execution videos.

Mit Messer und Beil: Mädchen (14) wollte Terrorangriff in Graz verüben | Exxpress

3 thoughts on “14-year-old migrant girl planned IS terror attack in Graz, Austria”

    1. Absolutely. Islam permits lying, torture, rape, murder or ANY ACTION to force Islam on the world.

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