Once again, Mother Nature thumbs her nose at the climate changistas

By Andrea Widburg

I was in Barbados earlier this year. During our tour, the guide proudly boasted that Barbados’s all-female government had mandated that the whole island will go completely solar by 2035 or something. I commented to my companion that this seemed like an idiotic idea for a nation that lives in a hurricane zone. Well, my prediction about combining wind zones and solar panels came true, although not in Barbados (yet) but in India.

The Lokmat Times has the story (emphasis mine):

A summer storm on Tuesday damaged a floating solar plant at Madhya Pradesh’s Omkareshwar dam. The floating solar plant, situated in the backwater of the dam, is the biggest of its kind in the world.


The project near the village of Kelwa Khurd, aimed at generation 100 MW of electricity, with additional capacities of 88 MW at Indawadi and 90 MW at Ekhand village. However, on Tuesday, summer storms with the speed of 50 kmph hit the project and threw the solar panels all around the place.

The video of the resulting ruination is impressive:

Green energy isn’t green. It’s a hobby for a few rich people.

Solar panels are filthy to make and impossible to recycle. Forests and farms are laid waste to house these monstrosities. Birds get flash roasted on them.

Modern windmills are not only hideously ugly compared to the charming windmills of history (in, say, Holland), but they’re also filthy to make and impossible to recycle. As with solar panels, forests and farms are decimated to create wind farms. Birds and bats get sliced and diced.

Water energy is clean and efficient if you don’t mind building dams that destroy valleys and the communities within them. Also, when there are droughts, they stop working.

Electric cars have no exhaust coming out of their batteries, but those batteries are filthy to make and impossible to recycle. In addition, those cars still need energy for those batteries, and that same energy often comes from electrical plants that rely on fossil fuels. There’s also the amount of rubber that’s burned from tires bearing the burden of those hungry, dirty, non-recyclable batteries.

In addition to their downsides, all these clean energy sources are limited. Even under the most optimistic predictions, they will never provide the amount of energy the world needs today, let alone the increased amounts the world will demand in the future.

As the clean air in America demonstrates, especially when, compared to the filthy air in India and China, wealthy nations have the technology and reserves to burn fossil fuels cleanly. And if people really want unlimited clean energy, nuclear power is the way.

But unlimited clean energy isn’t what the climatistas want. Their true vision is pre-modern, pre-capitalist, green, pastoral land, one in which the select few who earned a reprieve from the coming population culling frolic through flowered fields, somehow remarkably untouched by the omnipresent premodern specters of famine, disease, darkness, pain, war, and, always, early death.

Meanwhile, even as the climatistas pursue their anti-humanist vision, poor nations like India will come up with wasteful and silly ideas like floating solar panels that turn into useless plastic squares strewn across the land and waterscape.
