Far-Left Eco-Extremists Break Through Police Barriers – Attempt to Storm a German Tesla Factory Near Berlin (VIDEOS)

Germany is overrun with eco-activists of all stripes that take advantage of the ambiguity of the ‘traffic light’ (Ampel) coalition led by deeply unpopular chancellor Olaf Scholz.

On the one hand, Scholz’s coalition has leaders that are pro-business and pro-capitalism. On the other hand, it harbors ‘green’ politicians that incentivize the kind of disruption undertaken by ‘activists’ that hurt businesses and, therefore, the ailing German economy.

Now, it’s the Tesla Berlin EV plant that is in the eco-fascists’ sights.

Express reported:

“Protesters have stormed the fence at Tesla Gigafactory in Germany in the latest blow to Elon Musk’s embattled company.

It comes after Tesla told workers at the Berlin facility to stay home Friday after environmental activists announced they would be staging protests outside the site.”