Lutheran bishop on trial for ‘hate speech’ in Finland urges Christians to defend marriage

Juhana Pohjola YouTube/Screenshot

A Lutheran prelate facing prosecution for “hate speech” in Finland has called on Christians to defend marriage and traditional sexual morals.

“Now it’s time to use our freedom of speech. Otherwise, we lose it,” Juhana Pohjola told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.

Pohjola has been in a legal battle for five years together with Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen for defending biblical marriage. Pohjola and Räsänen were already unanimously acquitted of “hate speech” charges twice but now face a third and final trial at the Supreme Court of Finland.

Pohjola said the Finnish prosecutor may want to set a precedent in the high-profile case.

“We are willing to go all the way and defend our biblical views and also the right of speech and religion, the freedom of that in Finland and the rest of the world,” he told LifeSiteNews.

The Lutheran bishop said he is worried about the “chilling effect” this case could have on society, as it may make people afraid to “publicly confess their faith and share their views on marriage and other ethical issues.”

However, he also sees the positive effects of the case, as Christians have realized that “it’s not self-evident anymore in these times that there is a freedom of speech and religion.”

“We have to pray for it, but we have to work for it in the society as well” so that “future generations will have the opportunity to publicly confess the faith that we have received.”

Pohoja is being accused of “hate speech” for a booklet published in 2004 called “Male and Female He Created Them – Homosexual relationships challenge the Christian concept of humanity,” which calls homosexuality a “disorder.”

Räsänen, who is the former Interior Minister of Finland and a grandmother of 11 children, is standing trial in the same case as the author of the booklet and for a 2019 tweet questioning the Finnish Lutheran church’s sponsorship of an LGBT “pride” event and citing a Bible verse from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans.

When asked by LifeSiteNews about his message to Christians who may face persecution for defending Christian teaching publicly, Pohoja responded: “Our Lord said: ‘Do not be afraid!’”

“He is sending us as his servant, but he is not only sending us but has promised to be with us every day in our lives.”

“So wherever he sends, he comes with us and provides the words, provides the strength, provides the joy [we need],” he continued.

“As Christians, we have a wonderful opportunity to share about the forgiveness of sins in Christ,” he said, noting widespread problems with sexuality today.

“We all need Christ and his healing grace in our life, and also it’s a calling for Christians to cherish the gift of marriage and family and in a positive way say ‘Look, this is the good institution of our Lord and let us receive it as He has planned it.’”