France: Police officers in Dunkirk are attacked by dozens of migrants who want to deploy an inflatable boat while shouting “Allah Akbar”

During the night from Friday to Saturday, the harbour inspectorate of Dunkirk in the north of the country reported around 60 migrants carrying a rubber dinghy. The local police asked them to leave the boat, but the migrants threw stones at them, a police source told the newspaper Valeurs. Despite local and CRS reinforcements being called in, the migrants retook the boat and went into the forest, still throwing stones. The police were eventually able to take the boat and neutralise it, but the migrants attacked again, shouting “Allah Akbar” and “Fuck Police”. Around 60 tear gas grenades and 20 LBD shots were fired for an hour and a half before the situation calmed down again.

Dunkerque (59) : des policiers caillassés au cri de “Allah Akbar” par des dizaines de migrants cherchant à utiliser un bateau pneumatique – Fdesouche