By D. Parker
Dennis Prager brought up an important topic: “What has ever replaced Judeo-Christian values and been morally superior?” As he phrased it, “if you get rid of X, you would assume that Y is better. Otherwise, why get rid of X? So what has worked out better?” It’s becoming obvious now that the fascist far left is following the Martin Niemoller poem. First, they came for the Jews, and now they’re coming for Christians.
So what wondrous Utopia — from the title of a book written 500 years ago about a socialist society — would the ruling-class left like to impose on us proles in place of our value system? You don’t hear many details on what they have planned — just as you don’t hear leftists boast about being socialists these days.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
That quotation should tell you all you need to know about the compatibility of the left’s socialist national agenda with our Jewish and Christian value system, and why leftists are out to destroy it and replace it with something far worse, but fantastic for their dreams of pure power.
The lie from the far left is that religion is “backward,” from a time before the understanding of science and reason. They want to “grow” beyond it — much like what they did during the French Revolution, except that, as Dennis Prager explained, that became a real bloodbath.
This is because every society is going to be based on some sort of spirituality, so something is going to fill the void. As author John Daniel Davidson outlined in an interview with Glenn Beck, “the idea that the future will be this secular, woke utopia is totally wrong.” If we lose our Jewish and Christian value system, the only alternative is to become pagan instead of secular, as is being sold by the socialists.
In the video, the author explains the pagan ethos:
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. A radical subjectivity about man, about God. About our natures. About what we can become and what we can do. And so what determines what public policy should be, or what determines what is right, isn’t based on any universal claims about human nature.
Or the image of God. Man being created in the image of God. It’s based on force and coercion.
And that’s how pagan societies have always been. That’s why they’re slave societies.
The pagan societies of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the 20th century were characterized by force and coercion, along with a rejection of human nature and the idea of human rights.
It’s important to emphasize that there are only two basic ways that human beings interact with one another: moral reason and force. If you want something from someone, you either must use reason and exchange something for his cooperation or force him to do your bidding.
Force or freedom based on moral law — that’s it. When you don’t have any basis in moral law, everything redounds to force and coercion.
As the author explained in a piece in The Federalist:
The principles Americans have always asserted against this kind of moral and political tyranny — freedom of speech, equal protection under the law, government by consent of the governed — depend for their sustenance on the Christian faith, alive and active among the people, shaping their private and family lives as much as the social and political life of the nation.
If we don’t have the moral reasoning of our Jewish and Christian value system to undergird our system of limited government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, everything will devolve down to the lowest common denominator of force. We’re already seeing some of the worst effects of this loss of values, from the devaluation of property rights to the verbal coercion of lies. Rather than seeing a wonderous woke Utopia and secular society, we’ll have the worst of a pagan cult without basic human rights.
This new society — call it pagan America — will be marked above all by oppression and violence, primarily against the weak and powerless, perpetrated by the wealthy and powerful. In pagan America, such violence will be officially sanctioned and carry the force of law. We will have a public or state morality, just as Rome had, which will be quite separate from whatever religion one happens to profess. It was, after all, Christianity that united morality and religion, and without it, they will be separated once more. What you believe won’t really matter to the state; what will matter is whether you adhere to the public morality — whether you offer the mandatory sacrifice to Caesar, so to speak. And if you don’t, there will be consequences.
If you’ve been keeping track, this is yet another similarity between the Nazis and the national socialist Democrat party. As we’ve stated before, we’ve figured out why they always admonish the pro-freedom side about looking too closely at how leftists and Nazis are so similar. You’re not supposed to examine all of the commonalities that are piling up, because Trump is “Hitler” or something — never mind that it doesn’t make logical sense.
Leftists want people to think that getting rid of our value system will be “progress” in moving to a new age of enlightenment. But logic shows that it will have the opposite effect, sending society backward to a time when the man with the biggest stick ruled the kingdom. The experience of the last century of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany should be enough of a warning not to follow the leftist playbook once again.