The controversial “burp video” in the Tyrol advert is just the tip of years of misconduct for Tyrolean Freedom Party Chairman Markus Abwerzger. “When those responsible for the Tirol advertising campaign depict Muslim women wearing headscarves in a commercial and then title it ‘One hundred per cent Tirol’, this is a scandal and a humiliation of women who are at the mercy of patriarchal structures in their countries of origin,” criticises Abwerzger. “100 per cent Tyrol means capturing and telling the story of Tyrol’s enriching diversity. One example of this is the Elferbahnen – how you can enjoy the view of the valley from one of Tyrol’s many lifts,” says the Tyrolean Freedom Party leader.
For the Tyrolean Freedom Party (FPÖ) regional party chairman, this is completely out of line. “Using symbols of the oppression of women for advertising is immoral and counteracts the enlightened society in Austria.” According to Abwerzger, measures need to be taken quickly: “In future, we need to look closely at what money is being spent on. The aim of an advert for Tirol must be to make Tirol interesting for guests. The video with women wearing headscarves is nothing but a provocation. It is certainly not the job of Tirol advertising to make socio-political statements.”
„Muslimische Frauen mit Kopftuch“ in Tirol-Werbung sorgen für Kritik – UnserTirol24