6 dangerous Islamist persons exposed among the staff of the Olympic Games in Paris

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior announced on Tuesday the 5th of March that one million investigations will be carried out to secure the Olympic Games in Paris.

Gérald Darmanin was heard in the Senate on Tuesday March 5 on the security of the Olympic Games in Paris ( July 26 to August 11).

Almost one million administrative enquiries had to be carried out for the security of the Games, said the Minister of the Interior, adding that 89,000 enquiries had already been carried out.

In the course of these measures, “we have discovered six fichés S (files for Islamist dangerous persons, editor’s note) through these screenings. People who registered to be part of the organisation of the Olympic Games. Here to work as a private security guard, there to work as a volunteer with the Cojo (organising committee, editor’s note), there to carry the Olympic flame,” said the minister. L’Ardennais
