Austria: Chechen beats up school headmaster because his sister’s honour was wounded

Unbelievable scenes that are unfortunately happening more and more frequently throughout the country. In Lustenau ( province of Vorarlberg), a Chechen man beat up the headmaster of a secondary school. The reason: his sister felt her honour had been wounded by a Turk.
Violence in our schools is becoming more and more prevalent, and not just in Vienna. Now “” reports on a case from Lustenau: a 15-year-old Chechen pupil felt that her honour had been wounded by a third-grade pupil of Turkish origin. The boy had previously made derogatory remarks about her mother, whereupon the girl called her brother for help. He tried to restore the family’s honour with his fists. The headmaster summarised: “I was on the schoolyard myself when I suddenly noticed that the pupil’s brother was beating up the boy of Turkish origin.” The headmaster tried to intervene and mediate. But the Chechen eventually hit him too, so the headmaster had to defend himself. In the end, he managed to subdue the aggressor.

The pupil’s expulsion from school was discussed at an extraordinary meeting to follow up on the case. The Chechen girl was transferred to another educational establishment, where she is now due to finish her ninth year of school. The Chechen family with a total of 13 children had already lived in other places in Vorarlberg and also attracted unpleasant attention there, the report continues. The headmaster warns: “There must be strategies for dealing with such people. We must not leave the field to the right-wingers and their slogans. After all, you can’t just kick out a family whose children were all born here,” says the avowed member of the Green Party.

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