The fare dodger who brutally tortured a conductor and urinated on her on Tuesday is also said to have set fire to a garden shed after disappearing, killing a dog and sexually abusing another woman (17). The 35-year-old Syrian-born stateless man has now been committed to a psychiatric ward by a magistrate.
The train attendant (57) had to endure the worst nightmare on Tuesday. The fare dodger beat the woman until she was hospitalised and also urinated on her. And he tried to force her to shout “Heil Hitler”. She had caught him without a ticket.
Then he fled!
Shortly after the incident with the train attendant, the man went on the rampage in a Rewe supermarket and attacked a car driver (23) with a broken bottle neck. He injured him, took his keys and fled in his VW T-Cross, causing several accidents.
A manhunt was unsuccessful and the police only warned the public about the brutal offender 22 hours later.
The stateless man was apparently on his way to Ettlingen, 34 kilometres away. At around 5.08 pm, a garden shed caught fire here. A fire brigade spokesman: “During the fire-fighting work, a dog was found which could not be rescued.”
It got worse: an hour later, the man chased a girl (17) all the way to a gym. A CID spokesman: “Despite fierce resistance, he grabbed the young woman’s private parts. When she called for help, several people became aware of the situation and detained the accused until the police arrived.”
The girl’s arm was slightly injured.
The fire caused damage totalling 10,000 euros. Added to this is the damage caused by the suspect causing accidents during his escape.
The getaway car remains missing. The police are still looking for the vehicle.