“Dirty Christians, I’m going to kill you all! Fouzi B., 26, was arrested at Pontoise station in France after making death threats against several people 🔴 Un homme, Fouzi B., 26 ans, a menacé de mort des usagers en leur lançant "Sales chrétiens, je vais tous vous crever. Le premier qui vient, je le crève, le premier qui parle, je le crève", avant d'être interpellé à 13h45, ce mercredi, sur le quai de la gare de Pontoise, dans le…— Amaury Brelet (@AmauryBrelet) February 15, 2024 One man, Fouzi B., 26, threatened passengers with death, shouting: “Dirty Christians, I’m going to kill you all. The first one who comes will be shot, the first one who has anything to say will be shot,” before he was arrested on the platform of Pontoise station in the Val d’Oise department at 1.45pm on Wednesday, according to a police source.@Values https://www.fdesouche.com/2024/02/15/sales-chretiens-je-vais-tous-vous-crever-fouzi-b-26-ans-interpelle-gare-de-pontoise-95-apres-avoir-menace-de-mort-plusieurs-personnes/