A man on record for Islamist radicalisation forced his way into a synagogue in the 15th arrondissement in Paris at around 12.45 p.m. on Thursday, according to a police source. Inside, he began praying in Arabic and reciting the Quran. He had gone to the place of worship earlier in the morning.
After the inspection, he was registered in the file of persons wanted by the police (FPR) as an “individual linked to the Islamist movement of Île-de-France who could possibly travel to a foreign country”, a file card issued in 2019 by the Directorate of Intelligence of the Prefecture of Police (DRPP), according to a police source.
The synagogue was inspected and no suspicious objects were found. Its director reserves the right to press charges. The perpetrator had already been checked on December 9 when he was praying in front of the Israeli embassy in Paris. The Paris prosecutor’s office, which was contacted by Valeurs actuelles, has not yet responded.