Trans-Identified Male Accused Of Sexually Abusing Infant Will Be Represented By Trans Activist Lawyer

[L] Maria Childres. Photo Credit: McCracken County Jail. [R] Madison Leach. Photo Credit: WPSD Local 6.

CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains a graphic description of child sexual abuse involving an infant. Reader discretion is appreciated.

A trans-identified male in McCracken County, Kentucky is facing charges of child sexual abuse after reportedly molesting a baby in his care. Maria Childres, 25, had been employed as a daycare worker in Paducah, Kentucky when the abuse is said to have occurred.

Childres was arrested in February of this year after the Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) received an anonymous tip detailing an alleged incident of abuse that had occurred in November of 2022. The tip, reportedly written by one of Childres’ co-workers, accused him of making inappropriate comments towards an infant while changing the child’s diaper, and touching the baby inappropriately.

Maria Childres. Photo Source: FACEBOOK

Following the receipt of the DCBS report, Paducah Police went down to Explore Learning Academy, Childres’ place of employment, to investigate. They spoke with a witness who corroborated the details of the anonymous report, and spoke with the director of the Academy, who appeared to have been aware of Childers’ behavior with the baby. Despite knowing what had occurred, the director had only given him a “write up.”

Reduxx has obtained the citation from the Paducah Police Department detailing the complaint, in which Childres is referred to using “she/her” pronouns despite his legal sex being male.

According to the citation, Childres was confronted by another co-worker while he was changing the infant, who was concerned he was hurting her while wiping her genital area.

In response, Childres reportedly said “that was her clit area and she likes it. It just made her day.”

The witness police spoke with also stated that she saw Childres rub the baby’s vaginal area with his fingers while making the sickening remark.

Courtesy Paducah Police Department.

After being taken to the police station for questioning, Childres initially claimed he had not changed the infant’s diaper at all. He later admitted to having done so after an officer presented him with evidence in the form of a text that he had sent to the daycare’s director confirming the baby’s diaper had been changed.

Childres maintained that he had not made inappropriate comments or touched the baby sexually, and that he “often says things that are taken out of context.”

Childres was charged with first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under the age of 12, and has been housed in the McCracken County Jail since. There has been some confusion over the spelling of his last name, with the courts, police, and his social feeds having different spellings alternating between “Childers” and “Childres.” The Kentucky Court of Justice has the name spelled “Childres.”

According to his now-delated Facebook, Childres claims to have studied child development at The University of Arizona Global Campus, an online college which has come under accreditation concerns in recent years. A separate Facebook account also belonging to Childres has his gender listed as “female.”

After speaking with a clerk at the McCracken County Court of Justice, Reduxx has confirmed that Childres has privately retained a prominent transgender lawyer to defend him during upcoming hearings.

Leach holding the transgender pride flag.

Madison Leach, a male who began identifying as a “woman” six years ago, was the first openly transgender candidate to seek public office in western Kentucky when he ran as a Democrat for the Calloway County attorney seat. Leach recently decided to leave Kentucky over Senate Bill 150, which would make it optional for public school teachers to use a student’s preferred pronouns.

“This is kind of the cherry on top for me. The quality of life in New York is going to be better for me, and I think that a lot of parents of trans youth or other trans people are debating this in their head,” Leach said in March, stating that he was intending to eventually move his practice to New York.

Childres is scheduled for a pretrial conference this week, at which point he and Leach will enter a plea or negotiate a potential resolution with the prosecutors.