The refugee child who conquered the Germans

by Giulio Meotti

The mayor of Saint Gilles, Belgium, one Jean Spinette (a serious Socialist), wants to change the name of Saint Nicolas to “Sidi Nicolas”. “Sidi”, in Arabic, means “my Lord”. Elsewhere “Saint Nicholas” or “Santa Claus” is linked to Christmas Day. But in Belgium the bearded “saint” has a day all to himself: December 6, when “the great friend of children” distributes gifts.

And given that the city of Brussels’ region has chosen a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood for its candidacy as “European capital of culture” in 2030, the future masters of Belgium could change the name of dozens of cities starting with Saint-Gilles, continuing with Saint-Josse, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Jette-Saint-Pierre and Saint-Job, finishing with the metro stations (Sainte-Catherine, Saint-Guidon).

The mayor mentions intersectionality, but is careful not to also have a gay or trans Sidi Nicolas. Because, as the former Belgian Secretary of State, Bianca Debaets, revealed, “in Brussels there are too many areas where it is difficult for women and homosexuals to walk. We must not hide our faces: unfortunately there are also areas of our country where some people no longer dare venture. This is especially true for single women and gay men.”

These, too, are the fruits of “diversity”.

In line with the school in Germany that wants to erase Anne Frank’s name, Santa Claus may not go to an Austrian kindergarten this year. The reason is “cultural differences and diversity”.

We are in Salzburg, where for the first time Santa Claus’ visits will be cancelled. The Sara Nussbaum kindergarten in Kassel had already canceled these. “In deference to different cultures”. In the city there are kindergartens where 92 out of 98 children come from immigrant families.

Muslims have just become the majority in schools in Linz, Austria’s third largest city. For the first time this year, more Muslims than Catholics were counted in schools. In Graz, the country’s second city, 34 percent of students are Islamic, while in Vienna, Muslims already outnumber Catholics even in middle and high schools. There are already schools with no Austrians left, only foreigners.

Anyone who has read Susanne Wiesinger is not surprised by what is happening in Salzburg schools. Wiesinger is not Jorg Haider, but a teacher in Favoriten, a populous district on the outskirts of Vienna, which has gone from social democratic to immigrant fiefdom. Wiesinger is a militant of the SPö, the Social Democratic Party. Her book has a title that is a manifesto: “Clash of cultures in the school classroom”. She spoke to them about forced marriages and the honor killing of an Afghan schoolgirl because she wanted to marry a Christian, justified by her Islamic students, about mosques and Islamic associations.

And there is Reem. In 2015, she was the “refugee child who conquered the Germans.”. She was a Palestinian Arab and they had chosen her to speak with Angela Merkel in a school. The fruits of “diversity” were to be reaped there too. Reem had explained to the chancellor that her father was out of work because his stay was not extended. Merkel replied: “The procedures must be changed, we cannot wait that long. But not everyone will be able to stay.” And 14-year-old Reem burst into tears. Who didn’t sympathize with the little refugee?

It is now 2023 and Reem is 22 years old. For her “diversity” they gave her German citizenship and now she publishes posts in which she says #freepalestine #fromtherivertothesea. And shows a map without Israel.

Years will pass, then decades and in the end we will all be multicultural.

Anti-Israeli calls and radical Islamic banners at demonstrations worry German society. The director of the children’s organization “Arche”, Wolfgang Büscher, which takes care of about 7,000 young people every day in 33 facilities across Germany, many of them with a migrant background, tells BILD: “We are facing a catastrophe ”.

This emerges clearly from the declaration of the young Arabs quoted by Büscher: “First let’s cut the throats of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!”. Says Büscher: “I have never experienced anything like this. A 12-year-old boy came to me and said, ‘I hate you. We will take back the country’. They reject our culture, our values. Their hatred is unimaginable.”

But if Europe has no problem erasing Anne Frank and Santa Claus, then everything will be reduced to the length of Sidi Nicolas’ beard and Europe will end up celebrating Eid. Along with “little Reem,” Europeans will soon bow towards Mecca.

The refugee child who conquered the Germans (