A 17-year-old Viennese teenager was seriously injured by self-appointed guardians of public morals on Reumannplatz because of a relationship with a Chechen girl. Three of the attackers are now on trial.
In a shocking incident in Vienna, a 17-year-old Austrian was brutally attacked on Reumannplatz by a group of self-appointed guardians of Islamic public morals. The young man suffered serious injuries, including a broken jaw, a broken cheekbone and a smashed nose. The reason for the attack: he was on a date with a Chechen girl and had kissed her.
The victim, who is plagued by nightmares, reported that he was surrounded by seven to eight Chechens. One of the attackers showed him a video of him and the Chechen girl kissing. The attackers, who claimed to be moral guardians, explained that the girl was only allowed to go out with a Chechen before brutally attacking him. After the attack, the victim was forced to delete the girl’s phone number from his mobile phone.
Three of the attackers, who are already known and have already stood trial, were charged again. The panel of lay judges came to the conclusion that it was a case of intentional grievous bodily harm. The sentences: 16 months’ conditional imprisonment for the first two defendants and twelve months’ conditional imprisonment for the contributory offender. In addition, the victim was awarded compensation for pain and suffering totalling 4451 euros. All judgements are not yet final.
why weren’t they deported back to chechenya – all 9 attackers should lose their austrian citizenship and be deported