(…) The headmaster of the high school filed a complaint for “public incitement to hatred or violence based on origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion”. “I can only condemn these kinds of actions, as they convey a message of hatred that has no place in a school or anywhere else,” he told Midi Libre. The headmaster quickly had the three placards in front of the school removed (…)
The Jeunes d’Oc group explained on social media that they had wanted to “symbolically close” the high school because teachers there had been “threatened with death by a student in the final year”. According to the group, these threats had been made at “several schools”.
The Jeunes d’Oc justify their message with the “terrorist context in which bomb threats and death threats are increasing”, but above all with the murder of teacher Dominique Bernard in Arras on 13 October this year. (…)Le Parisien / Sérignan (34) : un lycéen, déjà sanctionné pour avoir écrit “Al-Qaida” dans son carnet, menace de mort un prof (MàJ : action de militants identitaires… le proviseur porte plainte, cela “attise les peurs” pour le préfet) – Fdesouche