A 16-year-old Afghan was sentenced to 18 months of partial imprisonment at the Vienna Regional Court after he had bullied his entire family, especially his younger sister, for months. One reason for the attacks: His sister attends school.
He beat the 15-year-old sister because she attended school and went to the same class together with boys. On May 26, 2023, he beat her to hospital because she refused to serve him tea.
After this incident, the family had alerted the police. The Afghan was arrested and subsequently taken into custody, where he spent five months until his trial. Of the sentence imposed on him, three months were unconditionally pronounced, the rest was conditionally suspended under a three-year probationary period. A probation order was issued and the juvenile had to undergo psychotherapy. After the unconditional part of the sentence was considered to have been served, he was arrested immediately after the trial. For the time being, he is to be accommodated in a mental health clinic, and reunification with his family is out of the question.
“He did not approve of his sister going to school,” said public prosecutor Wolfram Bauer at the beginning of the trial. The fact that the sister was attending class together with boys of the same age had “further frustrated” the accused.
The teenager had come to Austria in August 2022 in the course of a family reunion. His eldest brother, who has been living and working legally in Vienna for several years and is very well integrated, had brought him from Afghanistan to join the rest of the family in Vienna after the Taliban took power. However, the boy probably did not adapt to life here and found it difficult to adjust to Western morals and values. Above all, his image of women corresponded more to that of the Taliban than to a cosmopolitan society. “He did not succeed in gaining a foothold here,” said the prosecutor. The accused had acted as “master of the house” towards the whole family – he lived in a household with his mother, sister and two younger brothers, while the older brother had his own flat.
He had “bullied” his younger sister in particular, the prosecutor said: “When she did not comply with his wishes, there were outbreaks of violence. The 15-year-old sister, but also the eleven and 13-year-old brothers, were regularly beaten. The situation escalated completely on May 26, when the girl refused to serve tea to the brother, who was registered with the employment office as a job seeker and was attending a German course. He then punched her several times in the face and kicked her in the head after she had fallen to the ground. “He beat her up badly,” the prosecutor said. The sister suffered a gaping multiple nasal fracture and had to be treated in hospital for several days.
In the course of the police investigation, it turned out that the boy had repeatedly extorted cash from the mother in order to buy drugs. He threatened her that he would beat his siblings again if she did not give him money.
Urteil in Wien: Afghane verprügelt Schwester (15) – weil sie zur Schule geht | Exxpress